How do I switch from my other alarm company or add SecurityLine to my alarm system?

Why does SecurityLine use the Internet?

Do I need to cancel my service with another company to use SecurityLine?
Do I need to already have a monitored alarm system?
Who is SecurityLine best suited for?
What are the other systems missing?
    Click here to find out more.
Can I get a discount on my insurance when I install a security system?

What happens if I accidentally set off my alarm?

Do I need to know anything about computers to use SecurityLine?
Does SecurityLine have any down-time?
Is SecurityLine confusing to use?
Do my employees or family need to re-learn how to use a new alarm system?
Do I need to sign a long-term contract?
What if my old alarm panel/system was removed? I still want the same amount of triggers in my property.
Can I access video files after-the-fact (for prosecution or my insurance claims for example)?

Do I lose any of the benefits of my conventional alarm system?

If I buy SecurityLine, is my current alarm hardware useless?

Do I need an existing alarm panel?

I have a small professional office in a building. Why would I need SecurityLine?
What happens if I am away and can't be reached in an emergency?
Do I need any special equipment to use SecurityLine?

Why do I care about false alarms?
Click to see information on false alarms.

Can I add on to my SecurityLine hardware later?

What is video verification and why do I need it?
Click to see information on video verification.

Am I going to lose my privacy with video security?


If you have any more questions, please email and we will be happy to provide a prompt answer.



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