What is it?

 Video Verification is the back-bone of the SecurityLine system. It is the technology that sets it apart from other alarm systems.
 It is a way of checking the validity of an emergency alarm using a video camera. With SecurityLine, this is accomplished via high-quality digital video cameras which transmit videos via the internet any time that there is an emergency event (ie. motion, vibration, glass breaking, door opening, etc.. while the system is armed). The key, however, is that monitors are then notified in a priority order and are able to view the videos from any remote station.


So why do I need it?

 One of the biggest problems with current alarm systems is the abundance of false alarm calls (as many as 98% false alarm calls). Most alarm companies promote very questionable strategies for 'false alarm reduction' as their key selling point, as they are not able to provide verification. With video-verification, monitors can actually visually check for themselves that the alarm is or is not a real emergency and then be better informed to take appropriate action. Because of SecurityLine technology, this is all done quickly and easily from a remote location and from almost any communication device.

 Because most break-ins occur while the owner is away, it is often impossible to verify an emergency in time to intervene. With SecurityLine, it is now possible to follow all of the emergency procedures remotely. This is opposed to the old method where the owner (or a guard service) would need to actually physically go to the property and visually check for a break-in. This process is generally inconvenient, time-consuming, and potentially dangerous! Remote verification is the only way to go.

 The main benefit is that with visual confirmation of a break-in or other emergency, police WILL respond and they will do so quickly. In a word...


The Alarm Triggering Process with Conventional Alarm Services

Step 1 – Alarm Triggered

 After a building has been armed by the customer, the sensors are also armed. A break-in occurs.  Once armed, a break in the circuit (i.e. door contact opening) or motion detected triggers the alarm (ie. notifies the panel).

Step 2 – The Panel Calls the Monitoring Center

 After the entry delay time, the panel calls the center’s monitoring computer which will sound an alarm and a human operator will acknowledge the trigger and take responsibility.

Step 3 – Contact Customer’s Call List

 The monitor will look up from the call list or contact information and attempt to contact the user through a telephone voice call.
Police may be dispatched at the customer’s request, but possibly to a
false alarm.

Step 4 – Attend Location

 Once the customer contact is located, the customer or responder must actually physically attend the location to verify if the break-in is real.

Step 5 – Verification

 Once at the location, the customer can visually determine if the alarm was Verified or False.

Step 6 - If Verified - Too Late!

 By the time verification has occurred, the thieves are gone with your property.



Monitored Location Equipment

 The conventional alarm monitoring service is comprised of an alarm panel, a keypad, and sensors located at the customer’s location.

 The heart of the conventional alarm system is the panel. The panel contains a logic board that monitors the system components. It is also the point where the system connects to the alarm monitoring centre through a dial-up telephone connection.

 The alarm keypad is the human interface point of the system. The keypad is used to program the panel and also to Arm/Disarm the system by entering a user-defined code.

 Sensors are located throughout the building and connected back to the panel. There are two primary types of sensors: Contact Switches and Motion Sensors. Contacts are normally used to monitor doors and widows. When the two contacts are separated (i.e. a door or window opening) a signal is sent to the panel. Motion Detectors monitor a room for movement. When motion is detected in view, a signal is sent to the panel.
The panel will dial-up the monitoring station and announce that a sensor has been triggered and the Customer Identifier of the location the sensor was detected.

The Problem with Verification

 Verification of an alarm is the only way to truly get an appropriate response to a real emergency. Up until recently, verification was only possible by physical attendance either by the owner or a private guard response service. The single biggest issue with this is the time delay. If it takes 1/2 hour to verify, the probability of stopping a break-in is virtually nil.

The Bottom Line

 Conventional alarm systems are slow, ineffective and often lead to false alarms! Conventional alarms systems charge a high cost for only a false sense of security.

The SecurityLine system provides a faster and more reliable method.

Click here to see how it works.





"As many as 90% of alarms are actually false alarms"

The Ideal Scenario

 If every time a Burglar Alarm was triggered there was a real BREAK-IN in progress then conventional Alarm Systems would be adequate to protect your property. Police would respond immediately and more arrests would be made potentially resulting in lowered crime rates.

The Reality

 Most jurisdictions across North America are subject to False Alarms as high as in the 90th percentile range. This means that as few as 1 out of every 10 Alarms is a real Emergency. With statistics like this it is proving very difficult to provide effective response from Police.

The Cost

 In the event of a false alarm, huge costs are suffered. The home or business owner must attend his office or home to resolve each emergency. If the customer contracts private Guard Response services, there is typically an extra fee to attend an alarm.

 However, the biggest single cost is the time consumed by Police Officers to respond. As we know, police must respond to 9 false alarms for every 1 real emergency. This is a tragic waste of resources that should be directed at real crimes. As tax payers we are only getting $0.10 of value out of each tax dollar we apply towards having Police respond to break-ins.

 IN FACT, many municipalities are actually charging fines for false alarm responses as well as removing customers' alarm permits who are repeat false alarm offenders!

 IN FACT, many municipalities are requiring verification to have police respond at high priority.

Some Solutions Proposed

 There are a number of programs being adopted to reduce the resource requirements generated by False Alarms including but not limited to:

Education – It is hoped that educating the public on the proper use and maintenance of Alarm Systems will result in fewer False Alarms.

Low Priority or No Response – Some municipalities will lower the response priority of alarm calls meaning other crimes will be handled first. Some municipalities have published rules that say that police will not attend business premises alarms during normal business hours.

Permit System – Many municipalities require all home and business owners with an alarm system to pay an annual permit fee. Monies collected may be applied to response costs directly. Those persons without a valid permit may not receive a police response.

Fine System – A very large number of municipalities are now charging home owners and businesses fines of varying amounts for false alarm calls.

The Bottom Line

False Alarms create a sort of 'cry wolf' scenario. With the majority of alarms being false, police have no choice but to respond at their lowest level of priority. This means that with a real emergency alarm, response time will likely be EXTREMELY poor. That is of course, only with conventional-system unconfirmed emergencies...

HOWEVER: With SecurityLine, video verification allows you to contact police with a 'verified emergency' and get a response at the highest priority.


 If there were a method to verify the validity of each and every alarm, then guard services and police would be better informed and suited to respond to break-ins. Only video verification gives us this ability.

"No more false alarms
= Fast Action"

If police receive a call of a CONFIRMED and witnessed break-in,
     a) Police will respond and do so with high priority.
     b) Quick response will increase the probability of
         capturing the perpetrators.
     c) Quick response will increase the probability of
         retaining property.

 A typical break-in occurs while the owner is away from the home or business. For police to respond with any sort of haste, a verification of a real emergency is crucial. Up until recently, verification was only possible by physical attendance. If you are away, there is only one real way to verify an emergency. SecurityLine's remote video verification provides that every time with on-site video, accessed from any remote location!

 With the advent of common-place high-speed internet and new technologies in digital video cameras, we are now able to use new innovations to re-structure the design and options for security.

 No more driving to the home or business at inconvenient times only to find that there is only a false alarm, or that the burglars have already had time to leave the scene. No more putting yourself in danger to save your property. No more expensive bills to guard services to check each false.
SecurityLine lets you quickly and easily use video verification to check in on each emergency remotely from wherever you are.

Click here to see how it works.

  Not only do the video verification hardware and the SecurityLine system provide you with a solution to false alarms, they also provide a series of value-added benefits to further enhance security and convenience.

Insurance Claims

 If during a break-in, property is lost or broken, the SecurityLine service provides a video evidence record of the event to expedite the insurance claims process.

Insurance Rates

 It is standard practice for insurance agents to provide significant discounts for properties equipped with security alarm systems. Often, the discount rates will increase with more advanced video systems, such as the SecurityLine system.

Internal Security

 With the optional DVR (Digital Video Recorder), SecurityLine users can access their video cameras remotely to check in at any time on the security status of their workers, family and property.


 The SecurityLine system is active full-time but the video information is fully protected by an automated system. This means that a 3rd-party monitor will only have access to the video when an alarm is triggered. You get the best of both worlds - privacy and security.

Video surveillance
ONLY when you need it.



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